Booking Appointments
Receptionists may ask for a brief reason when booking an appointment. This allows clincians to priortise appointments based on urgency. This ensures we can help you the best that we can. If you have a preferred Clincian you would like to see or speak to, please feel free to request and where possible it will be offered.
Urgent Appointments
We will still have urgent appointments each day for the Dr. Each day one Doctor is on Duty for all urgent requests. If you do need an urgent appointment please ensure you call at 9.00am for the Morning and at 4.00pm for the Evening. If you are not calling for an appointment please call after 11.00am.
Please note urgent appointments are not used for:
Online Appointments & Repeat Prescriptions
To request or manage an appointment online you can visit This can also be used for repeat prescription requests.
You can also use the NHS App, click the below button to find out more.